Donderdag 21 Maart 2013

Fatty Tumors (Lipomas) in Dogs - Benign (Fatty) or Malignant (Mast Cell) – Cause, DIY Holistic Treatments, Remedies

In this Article...
  1. What, How, When and Why Fatty Tumors (Lipoma) forms;
  2. DIY Holistic Treatments and Remedies for Fatty Tumors
PART 1.0 Fatty Tumors - What, How, When and Why

What is a Fatty Tumor and How Is It Formed…

A fatty tumor is a soft mass under the skin.

Fatty Tumors form when the body is unable to rid itself of toxins via the body’s natural systems for toxin elimination – the intestines, kidney and liver.  When a dog is constantly ingesting toxins the kidney and liver are forced to work overtime to clear out unwanted substances from the body. If the toxic load becomes too much for the kidney and liver to process affectively the toxins end-up remaining where they are not wanted -  in the blood stream, digestive tract, etc. The constant presence of contaminates in the body puts added stress on the endocrine (glands which secret various hormones to regulate metabolism, sleep, mood, etc.) and immune system in addition to the kidney and liver.

The body’s natural reaction – the next line of defence is to engage its largest excretory organ, the skin. The body ‘captures’ the toxins and shifts them out of the way by storing the material in fat deposits just under the surface of the skin.

Characteristics of a Fatty Tumor (Lipoma, Fatty Lump)

A soft mass under the skin that:

  • Does not cause *hair loss;
  • Does not cause *pain;
  • Does not cause *redness or *irritation of the skin on its own 
  • Is freely movable under the skin;
    • *The only time hair loss, pain or irritation occurs with these masses is, for example:
      • When the mass is located on the body of the dog, and;
      • The mass has increased in size, and;
      • As a result, is rubbing against the dog’s leg;
      • The mass may then cause hair loss or irritation as it rubs against the dog’s leg.

Fatty Deposits Are a Warning Sign

Fatty deposits are a warning sign – a red flag that tells you that:
  • That the body is under siege from constant ingestion of toxic, unwanted material;
  • The body’s system is out of balance and is not able to eliminate the toxic waste properly;
  • That the  immune system is weak and requires care to improve it's strength;
    • Diet, stress and exercise are huge factors in the health of the immune system;
    • A weak immune system leaves the body vulnerable to illness, infection and health problems..
How do These Unwanted Materials (Toxins) Get into the Dog’s System

There are two main ways in which toxins enter the dog’s body…
  • Ingredients in commerciallymanufactured highly processed dog food - dry dog food, wet dog food, treats – for example;
  • Refined cereal grains;
  • Food colouring;
  • Chemical-based preservatives i.e. ethoxyquinand TBHQ ;
  • Sugar;
  • Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) found in corn, soy, canola, safflower, cottonseed oil, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, sugar beets, etc.
  • Poor quality protein derived from animals that were:
    • Fed GMO feed;
    • Injected with genetically engineered (GE) growth hormones and steroids;
  • Read about the above items here.
  • Toxins from inoculations and chemical-based flea, tick, heartworm preventatives.

Other Contributing Sources of Daily Toxic Loading
How many of the toxins listed above is your dog regularly exposed to? Do a quick analysis and then read on…

Part 2.0 - DIY Holistic Treatments, Remedies

Conventional Treatments Are Not a Remedy

Conventional practitioners of medicine (human and veterinary care) are oriented towards treating an acquired condition rather than treating the body as a whole entity.  As a result, when a conventional partitioning veterinarian sees a fatty tumor the typical advice provided is:
  • As long as the tumor is a) benign and b) not impeding physical function, just leave the tumor as is;
  • If the fatty tumor is in the way of proper function the following options may be offered;
    • Surgical removal;
    • Liposuction;
    • Salve and/or;
    • Steroid injections.
The fundamental problem with these conventional interventions is that they do not address the root cause of the condition. If the root cause is not addressed the tumors will:
  • Continue to exist and will in many cases grow;
  • If removed will re-grow;
  • May eventually escalate to a malignant mast cell growth.
Many conventional veterinary practitioners will tell you that there is nothing that you can do to:
  • Reduce the size of the existing fatty tumor;
  • Eliminate the existing fatty tumor.
  • And should you opt for one of those conventional interventions:
    • There is nothing you can do to prevent the reformation of the fatty tumors.
This is incorrect! You CAN reduce and even eliminate fatty tumors permanently.

Failure to take proper action can result in a worsening of your dog’s health and quality of life.

To stop the formation and growth of these tumors you must treat the root cause – toxic loading which may have also progressed to glandular malfunction.

DIY Holistic Care Approach

Your Dog's Diet

Part One - Review What You Are Currently Feeding Your Dog, Make Changes

Do a thorough review of what you are feeding your dog and remove all items that contain toxins and species inappropriate food stuffs.

Consider completely removing commercially manufactured dog food and treats from your dog’s diet and replace with:
If you want to keep your dog on commercially prepared dog food:
  • Make sure you know how to select a relativelytoxic-free product;
  • Unfortunately when it comes to mass-produced commercially manufactured dog food, good and bad becomes a relative term.
  • Read this article to…
    • Ensure you can make informed decisions about the food you choose – don’t assume you are currently choosing a good product.
Statistics recorded by veterinary organizations from the 1950's up to present day are very telling...
  • The life-span of a companion dog in North America is now half of what it was in the 1950's;
  • In the 1950's the average life-span of a golden retriever was 15 to 16 years, today the average is in the range of 8 to12 years;
  • In 2005, 50% of older dogs dies from cancer, and the number is on the rise. 

Part Two -  Supplement Your Dog’s Diet

Turmeric– you need to get your dog on this herb ASAP read more about turmeric here; The curcumin which gives turmeric its bright yellow colour contains compounds that have been proven to reduce lipomas in dogs (and humans :>)

Other Recommended De-toxers and Immune System Boosters
Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
Coconut Oil
Garlic(no it is not bad for dogs, read the facts, don’t be fooled by unsubstantiated false rumors);
Whole fresh foods high in first quality antioxidants and nutrients.

Topical Treatment for Fatty Tumors (Lipomas)

Sage has a natural affinity to attract fat. You can apply sage extract topically to the lipoma on a daily basis.

In addition to supplementing your dog’s daily diet with Turmeric, this herb can also be used topically to treat lipoma.

Preparation and application
  • Combine:
    • 1 tsp of turmeric, with;
    • 1 tsp of olive oil, or grape seed oil or almond oil;
  • Mix:
    •  Mix until the ingredients form a soft, well blended paste;
  • Apply:
    • Apply the resulting paste directly to the skin surface of the fatty tumor;
  • Please note that the natural colour in turmeric will stain clothing, carpet etc. 
    • So after application you should restrict your dog to an area where the stain will not adhere to items that you value, or;
    • Put your dog outside for a while.
  • This treatment can be used once or more a day. 
  • Turmeric is safe for pregnant dogs.

Signs of Malignant Mast Cell Growth

If your dog does have a fatty tumor it is important to monitor that fatty lump for changes…
  • Sudden change in appearance, i.e.
  • The tumor suddenly hardens;
  • Begins to grow lumpy and nodular;
  • Has begun to bleed;
Get to your veterinarian and have the tumor tested for malignancy ASAP.

  • Training;
  • Behaviour Modification;
  • Rehabilitation;
  • Nutrition;
  • Health
Whether you are experiencing dog behavior problems and would like assistance, or just want to bring your dog up to be a well-balanced canine -  I offer both a local and international service for people with one or multiple dogs. 

I work with all breeds - from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.), medium breeds size (including Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs...

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Sessions,Advice via email for National and International Clients - Dog Training, Puppy Training, Behaviour Modification, Nutrition, Health 

5 opmerkings:

  1. Hey guys! If you're looking for the great deal in dog training, visit now and learn the art and science on how to train your dog like a pro!

    AntwoordVee uit
  2. Lipoma is benign tumor which is made of adipose tissues also known as fat tissues. It is also most commonly known as soft tissue tumor. This infection is generally versatile in nature and causes no agony because the lesions formed are usually painless.

    AntwoordVee uit
  3. Lipoma can look like a big pimple, many have said much achievement with some or a mixture of the above natural lipoma treatments. Herbs Solutions By Nature recommended some natural herbs for Lipoma Herbal Treatment are beneficial for treat lipoma naturally without pain and medical treatment.

    AntwoordVee uit
  4. Thanks for share this helpful post.

    AntwoordVee uit

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