There’s an article in the most recent issue of Dog News. It’s by the editor himself, who should know better. Of the four subjects he discussed, three made me see red.
First, he praises the AKC/Eukanuba show to the rafters as the biggest dog show in the world. Having attended several times (although not this year, so I only saw the horrendous treatment of the agility competitors on youtube -, my very first thought was a stronger variation of “bullpucky.”
First, he praises the AKC/Eukanuba show to the rafters as the biggest dog show in the world. Having attended several times (although not this year, so I only saw the horrendous treatment of the agility competitors on youtube -, my very first thought was a stronger variation of “bullpucky.”
Then, the writer waxes on and on about the importance of US shows vs. those in other countries. He bases his opinion on the fact that
“our numbers dwarf the worlds.”
On to subject three, puppy mills. The writer’s first sentence:
“The good news is that there is a large grass roots movement which is intensifying a battle against puppy mills.”
You would think that the editor of a top dog show magazine would know that “puppy mill” is a derogatory term invented, along with other terms, “guardian” being the most obvious, by animal rights activists such as HSUS. In actuality, there are very few genuine puppy mills in the U.S., and most are centered in Missouri and surrounding states, but HSUS propaganda has convinced people that a puppy mill exists around every corner, that any breeder with over ten, twenty, or any arbitrary number, dogs is automatically a puppy mill. But that’s old news. What’s happening now is that the definition is being expanded to include ANY breeder, along with the presumption that anyone who breeds a dog is contributing to that non-existent pet overpopulation. This terminology is designed to kill us all, and by blatantly declaring, in a leading dog fancy magazine, that we are overrun by puppy mills, the writer is giving a huge boost to the very groups that are leading the slaughter.
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