First please make sure that there is no medical condition at the root of your dog’s inability to gain weight.
Also make sure that your dog is not suffering from an infestation of parasites such as round worm. When my Boxer Robbie arrived at 8 months old his back at the waist was about 7cm / 3 inches across - he was infested with round worms! Once you are sure there is no medical reason and no infestation then you know your dog requires either more food or better quality food.
Just like people, some dogs have a faster metabolism than other dogs and require more food to maintain a healthy weight.
You need to increase your dog’s intake of nutrient rich food stuffs - just make sure that you don’t over do it overtime. When you see your dog has gained enough weight make sure that you do not start to overfeed - you want to maintain a good weight!
And please - dogs are not grazers like rabbits, horses and cows. Dogs are hunters and are biologically evolved to eat their meal and then fast until the next meal. When we leave food out for them on a constant basis we create an unnatural condition. It is far better to feed your dog twice or three times a day. If your dog does not eat all of the food in their bowl within a matter of minutes lift the bowl up and offer a little less food next time.
To understand more about what comprises good nutrition in a dog kibble, and some alternate food stuffs that are rich in nutrients, antioxidants and good omega fatty acids and healthy soluble fibre for your dogs you can read this short article.
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